Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Travel Clinic

So Nadim and I told the girls that we were going to the travel clinic and that we were going to just get some advise on the type of shots and medication we would need. Roya asked us, in that shy worried voice that kids sometimes have... 'are we going to have to get a needle?'. So first we told her that she would get a needle that was about a foot long and it would go right through her arm if she moved. Luckily she knows we are a bunch of jokers, so she didn't believe us. We then told the kids that we would get shots, but not at this visit. So off we went!

We had to wait a little while, but got in fairly quickly. I didn't notice it, but Nadim and Roya brought it to our attention afterwards - the doctor provided information in the form of questions. He would ask something like "So you could get Hep A, how bad is it?" then he would answer his own question. There were all sorts of questions "So will it kill you? No, but you could have symptoms like...." So we were asked lots of funny questions that thankfully we didn't have to answer, and we got all sorts of good info. We also were told that we needed Hep A and B shots and Typhoid, along with a bunch of others that would need to be ordered. He said he could give us the first shot of Hep A/B and Typhoid today if we wanted. Nadim and I looked at each other, shrugged and said why not!

The doctor said that he had one combo shot of Hep A/B for a child, but that the other girl would have to get separate needles since he only had one combo. Who was the braver of the two. We volunteered Yasmin. So the sleeves were rolled up and Roya went first. There were a few crocodile tears, but she survived with her Barbie Band-aid. Yasmin got her shots and also got a special Band-aid. It had Dora on it. Of course with the girls getting special Band-aids Nadim had to have one too. His was a Surfer Barbie. I was lucky enough to get one with My Little Pony on it.

So we have to go back and get a booster and then we are good for life for Hep A/B and for ten years for Typhoid. We also have to go back for Japanese Encephalitis shots and Malaria pills and whatever other good advise the doctor can give us. I hope I don't start laughing when the rhetorical questions start!

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