Sunday, October 19, 2008


The Internet is now fixed, so we are feeling happier about our hotel. You can see the picture below. It is really a budget hotel, but we are only here for a few nights.

This morning we met many of the Baha'is in the community as they were having a reflection meeting. It was a very nice time with one nice young lady translating many stories for us. Of course Nadim had to have a group picture! He's famous for that.

We stayed for only an hour and they wanted us to come back for lunch, but we had already made plans with Scott, and friend of a friend from Canada. He is a travel agent. We met Scott and his wife at a little noodle shop. They had a really great beef noodle dish with peanuts and fresh herbs. Very nice!

After lunch we went for a walk and had some cool drinks on a third floor patio. We talked about some of our plans and they helped make arrangements for our overnight trip to Halong Bay. We will be leaving to do that tomorrow.

After our discussions we went to the Water Puppet Theatre. It was unique to see the performance on water! They did many scenes but there was not a real story with it. They had a fishing scene, one of dragons, another of water buffalo, and the one above was of dancing fairies.

We are off to Halong Bay and a night on a boat tomorrow, so we will be out of contact for a day. It is supposed to be very beautiful and I'm really looking forward to having a swim and some beach time!


1 comment:

My world said...

welcome to Vietnam and hope you will have a great time here