Saturday, February 28, 2009
Another wedding!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Busy day
The post office here will not accept any package that has not been sewn up in a cloth wrapping! Strange, but true. Of course, parcel sewing shops have sprung up around the post office and will wrap your packages for a fee. We went into one shop and negotiated a price for wrapping 2 packages – we ended up paying half of what they were asking, but I think we still got ripped off! Then the guy patched together a few pieces of what looked like discarded shirt sleeves to make little bags to put the boxes in and sewed them up.
We had invited an Iranian couple that we had met while visiting Ooty to the dinner and they came as well. They are students in Mysore. I think they really enjoyed the evening, and now we are invited to their home on Tuesday night. We’ve got quite the social schedule these days!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Treasure Hunt
This afternoon we went to Veg Kourt, one of our favourite restaurants in Mysore and had Kaju Masala and Aloo Gobi with roti and naan. I think India has the best food that we’ve had so far. There is so much variety and it’s all very good. Roya is even enjoying the spices these days.
We did some shopping and found some really cute gifts for Baha’i New Year for the girls’ cousins. I hope we can get them in the mail so that they will arrive in Canada in time for March 21st. As we were shopping it was fun to watch the traffic and city life of Mysore. You see cows in the street. Three wheeled trucks, motorbikes carrying loads of this or that. Ladies with their saris flying as they sit sideways on the backs of motorbikes. It’s fun to just watch.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Happy Ayyamiha
It wasn’t very crowded and we were the only non-Asian people there. We did see some people that seemed to be from China, but nobody white. I get a lot of looks even in the city, so I’m not sure if they were looking at me because I was wearing a bikini or if it was just because I look strange to them. In any case I was glad for my wrap when we were moving from one area to the next.
The Heat is on
This evening we, along with a number of other Baha’is, celebrated the beginning of Ayyamiha by visiting an old age home for the poor. It is run by nuns, but people of all religions stay there. One of the sisters gave us a bit of a tour and showed us the good work that they are doing there. The Baha’i community bought rice to feed the residents and donated it during our visit.
We ended back at the Baha’i Centre where the care takers family invited people in for dinner. We said some prayers and then had a bit of a sing-along where Nadim remembered some of the songs they used to sing when he was here. It was fun, but the heat was still getting to me. The food was very good, and everyone enjoyed it.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Silk & Sandalwood
In the same area of town is a sandalwood factory so we decided to go there too. This time we had a little tour, but the factory wasn’t operating as they were waiting for a shipment of sandalwood to come in. We saw the areas where they split and chip the wood, where they grind it to a powder and where they compress and crush it to make the oil which then gets distilled. They didn’t really allow pictures, but the guide said, “It’s not permitted, but be quick.” Ya gotta love India.
We ended up buying some sandalwood incense sticks that are made from the by-product of oil making. We also bought some sandalwood soap. It was really an educational day, and I felt like we were doing a field trip for school.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
War on the Roaches
I went over to the store next door and got myself a large can of “cockroach killer” spray, which advertised that it can kill the beasts in their hiding places. Well, I knew that their hiding places are the drain holes under the kitchen sink and the ones out in the corridor. So I sprayed a liberal amount in the drain holes and all around the kitchen floor, especially in the corners and under the fridge. Then I closed the door and left. A couple of hours later, I went back to the kitchen and found 6 huge roaches and a whole bunch of little ones, all dead and dying on the floor. It was a sweet moment! I swept them all outside and scooped them into the dustbin.
Some of you may be aware of Nadim’s hatred of earwigs. I think he is even less fond of cockroaches! Beyond Nadim’s cockroach adventures we got in another trip to the “Big Bazaar”. It was nice to get into a mildly air conditioned space. It’s been really hot here the past few days. We’ve adapted so that we’re fairly comfortable when the room temperature is around 29 degrees celcius, as it usually is throughout the morning, but the thermometer now reads 33 degrees and the power was out this evening so we didn’t have our fan and we were a little warm. The power is back and so is the fan and we’re feeling a bit better.
At the Big Bazaar department store we found a few shirts for the girls. When you’re only paying a couple of dollars for a shirt, it’s hard to resist. I also bought some fabric. It’s cool the way they sell it here. They give you enough to make a long shirt/dress, a matching colour for the pants and a third fabric for a long scarf. I’m planning to make something for the girls when we get back to Ottawa, but I’ll use a style more suited for Canada. I wish I had my sewing machine with me, but it was a little too big to pack!
The Wedding
In the centre of the hall there was a platform and when we arrived a number of women were preparing the bride for the marriage ceremony. They seemed to be throwing rice on her and doing all sorts of things to her. Sometimes she was laughing, but other times she looked slightly annoyed.
The groom arrived to great pomp and ceremony, the kind that we would save for the bride if we were in Canada. Then they went through putting some sort of garland of a holy plant on them. They had to make promises about providing rice to each other’s family and eventually people began to pour milk on their joined hands and toss rice on their heads. This seemed to be something that honoured guests and relatives should do. It went on for quite a while and eventually even Nadim and I and the girls were asked to come and do it for them as well. I think it is meant to give them prosperity.
My overall impression is that the wedding was very informal. Some guests were dressed in beautifully embroidered and beaded saris, but more were dressed in much more common clothes. We felt almost overdressed. The traditional man’s dress is a shirt worn over a cloth that looks like a long skirt, but can be folded up so that it is above the knees too (this is called the loongi). Over the man’s shoulder is a scarf or cloth that often matches with the trim on his loongi. I found it funny that many were wearing colourful scarves that looked like towels to me. I wore my silk kurta, Nadim wore a Kurta too and the girls wore their Punjabis (see the picture from earlier this month).
We made it back to the Baha’i centre by late afternoon and are planning to go out for pizza later this evening with the same couple we attended the wedding with. We haven’t had a pizza in a while (since Krabi, Thailand) and the girls are pretty excited.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Return from Ooty
We joined a tour bus and they took us around Ooty and Cunnoor to some pretty spectacular viewpoints. It’s really amazing to see the side of the mountain terraced and in some places the front door of one row of homes looks out onto the roof of the next row of homes.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The drivers are a little scary here. They seem to play chicken with each other and just at the last moment somehow they squeeze past each other. It seems like half the time the bus is on the wrong side of the road or at least half on the wrong side of the road as they pass motorbikes, cows, carts, or other vehicles. There is a countdown for the thirty-six hairpin turns that lead the way up to Ooty which is a hill station.
Along the way you see all sorts of terraced hills. Tea is one of the main crops and we stopped at a tea garden. We drank some chai. They let us taste chocolate tea and red tea and of course we had to buy some. Then we went behind the shop to see the tea plants. I thought they might have more of a smell, but the small bushes with the shiny, tough leaves don’t have a strong smell to them.
It’s pretty cold here, or at least it is for us. The temperature was okay during the day, probably about 25 degrees, but when the sun set it got cold quickly. They say the temperature usually goes down to around ten degrees at night.
Cheap Labour
We had our last day with the kids at the boarding school. We played games, did a bit of dancing, and singing too. We exchanged addresses so that we can drop them a post card at some point on our travels. We also told them that our friends would be starting something with them in the new school year and they seemed to be quite happy with that.
Nadim has run out for a haircut. We had borrowed some clippers from the other fellow who is living in the centre. They weren’t very powerful and half way through cutting it, the darn thing quit on us! So Nadim’s been walking around with half a haircut for the last day or two. At least it quit after I had done the sides fairly symmetrically. Yasmin said he looks like he has a Mohawk, but it really wasn’t quite that bad! I pushed him out the door for a cut because we’re off to Ooty tomorrow for an overnight stay and will return late the following day and the next morning we are off to the wedding so there will be no time. Crazy guy doesn’t seem to mind walking around this way, but it’s me that has to look at him so off he went!
Breaking story: I just got back from the barber shop, and cheap labour confirmed – I got a nice haircut for 30 Rupees (75 cents). I asked the barber to clean all his tools with cleaning solution before he got started, and he cleaned everything right in front of me. I did not want to bring any “friends” home with me. I think I will get another haircut before we leave India, so I won’t have to pay European prices!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
School, no sick day!
We did make it to the school and I had brought the camera again. All the kids are very excited about getting their picture taken. A group who had seen our camera last time were asking “Photo? Photo?” so of course I stopped to take their picture. Before I knew it there was a bunch of kids running to be in the picture. They all wanted to see the result so I showed them on the display and there were all kinds of excited ooohs and aaahs.
Today is Wednesday and they get to wear white skirts with coloured shirts instead of their regular sky blue uniform. Their shirts are red, yellow, grean, purple, or blue. I took another picture of the group and it turned out quite colourful.
P.S. The girls wish Kendra a Happy Birthday!
Monday, February 16, 2009
This morning was school work as usual. While I was working with Yasmin and Roya, Nadim helped Anapurna (the high school student we had helped previously)with physics. Nadim has a degree in physics so it should not have been too difficult, but Anapurna’s English is not so good so much of the terminology had to be translated with an English/Kannada dictionary.
Yesterday Nadim had a sore throat and a bit of a runny nose. This morning wasn’t much better and by afternoon he was feeling worse. He had a nap in the afternoon and that seemed to revive him enough to go out to dinner at Naseem and Khodayaar’s home. They are some Baha’is that we had met a few times, most recently while helping clean up the Baha’i cemetery.
Their home was a small apartment, but very cozy. Naseem’s mother is Persian, but her father is Chinese. Tonight she made some Chinese vegetables, sweet and sour chicken and rice for us. The girls were quite happy because it wasn’t spicy at all. Yasmin and Roya are doing quite well with spicy food, but I think they enjoyed the break from it.
After dinner they showed us some pictures of Maldives, where Khodayaar grew up. It looks gorgeous with its white powdery beaches and clear blue water. I guess that will have to be another trip. They also showed us some pictures of Haifa where they had visited the Baha’i World Centre. We are planning a trip there in early 2011 so it was nice to get a preview.
Roya played with their son who is a year and a half. Yasmin seems to have caught Nadim’s cold too and was a little quiet tonight. Hopefully she will feel better in the morning.
Around the Neighbourhood
We were up slightly earlier than usual and we all set off on our walk so that we could return by 9:00 in time to start our school work and to avoid the heat of the day. It’s a nice neighbourhood with some very nice houses and others much more modest. There doesn’t seem to be much zoning in India so you have some shops, and other things in what would otherwise seem like a residential area.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day of Service
We then sat under the shade of a tree and had a discussion on the Baha’i Faith and the administrative system. Many of the Baha’is had questions on how things worked in Canada or other parts of the world. It was interesting and it was nice to hear from another woman, Naseem, who is from Malaysia, to see how it is done in that part of the world too.
Some of us ended with a trip to the ice-cream parlour. We were all pleasantly tired and I’m sure we’ll all sleep well tonight.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The girls and I headed to the store for milk and cheese, but before we left, I snapped the following photo because I thought they looked so cute in their new clothes. Again, they loved playing with the scarves. They seem to like play acting as Muslim women with their faces and hair covered.
Yasmin and Roya enjoyed playing Barbies and Polly Pockets in our room for much of the afternoon while Nadim and I enjoyed the common area. It’s so nice for us to all have our space. We enjoy the peace and the girls enjoy being allowed to play more freely.
Friday, February 13, 2009
More Shopping!
For lunch we went to a hotel that also books tours. We had another great lunch of vegetarian curries and roti bread, and afterwards we arranged to go to Ooty in a week’s time and got some information on Kerala as well.
We were in the mood for more shopping so we ventured out to another part of town where there were some souvenir shops. We didn’t find what we were looking for in that area of town and so we went to a store called “Big Bazaar”. It was a big department store and we were very successful in picking up some things for the girls, but we still didn’t find much in the way of presents for the Baha’i New Year for our family back home.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
As we were getting our supper ready, some Baha’is stopped by. There are a lot of activities coming up because it will soon by Ayyamiha – a time for gift giving and hospitality. But, the most exciting thing coming up is a wedding, and we’ve been invited! We will see both the Baha’i and Hindu ceremonies. It is coming up on the 22nd and we are all looking forward to it.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Brindavan Gardens
We had a late lunch in town and then headed to the city bus terminal to find a bus to Brindavan Gardens. We asked several people about buses and got several answers on where to wait and which one goes. One bus official told us where to wait but when Nadim asked him when we should expect the next bus, he smiled and said “It comes.” After waiting for about 45 minutes in the heat, we decided that maybe we could hire a car instead. Someone had mentioned that when taking the bus you had to walk quite a ways from the bus stop to get to the gardens. This, the sight of the crowded buses with no A/C, and the long wait in the sun, eventually helped us admit defeat and we found ourselves a taxi.
The gardens are only about 20 km away, but the poor state of the roads and the variety of vehicles on the road meant that it took almost 45 minutes to get there. We were glad we hadn’t opted for the bus because it would have been much longer with all the stops.
We made it to the gardens by late afternoon. The sun was still quite strong, but we walked along the side of the garden that was shaded by the dam that feeds the water fountains.
We started by visiting the north garden. It was very beautiful. There was a main water flow through the center of the garden and it fed many fountains both along the centre path as well as to the sides.
After sunset there was a dancing water fountain display. They had coloured lights and the fountains looked like they were moving to the music. It was fun to watch for fifteen minutes or so. They ushered in new groups of people every fifteen minutes, and the place was teeming with people. We were warned about pick pockets but didn’t have a problem.
We made it back to town and went to a restaurant for a late vegetarian dinner. We also got a couple of curries to bring home so we can heat them up for our dinner tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Park
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Neighbourhood
We are situated outside of the downtown area in a mostly residential neighbourhood, but there are many little shops too. As we walk along the road to school we get all kinds of honks. This is not a tribute to our ego, they honk at everyone. It means "get out of the way", or "go". People seem to drive with one hand on the horn and you could probably drive down the street blind because those beside you would honk to make sure you knew they were there. We cut across a park with rusted old equipment and make our way to a quieter street that the school is on.
There are women dressed in bright coloured saris. There are others dressed in black Islamic robes. There are men in traditional clothes too, but more often you see them in western style pants and shirts. There are kids running bare foot or in flip flops. Some are in their school uniforms, while others have already changed or are not attending school.
There are smells of leaves being burned and of animal manure. Sometimes you can smell someone cooking something. There is dust everywhere. In some of the small alley ways between buildings there are cows, goats or sheep. Not sure why, but many of the cows and sheep have yellow dye on them.
GS This is actually true. I've seen on several occasions kids playing with old tires, rolling and chasing them down the street! Many of the kids like to have our attention and call out "good afternoon" or "hello". They all seem to giggle when we return their greetings.
There are also tons of stray dogs around. Mangy cur is a term that would apply to most of them. Most snooze in the dirt or trot along looking for food. Many of them are pretty diseased looking, but nobody seems to do anything about the poor beasts.
Besides the horns and traffic sounds, you hear people talking, or laughing. You hear the kids whispering. In the early mornings we hear the morning call to prayer from our room, and in the evening you can also hear it. There are a lot of Muslim people here, although more are Hindu. We also often hear pots and pans being banged about and washed. There seems to be a hall next door and sometimes we hear music coming from it as well.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Memory Lane
Until this point, Nadim hadn’t really recognized anything from Mysore. It had been a bit disappointing because he was hoping it would feel more familiar, but a lot has changed in thirty years, and the memory of a fourteen-year old is not so great. But today was different!
We got to a traffic circle and all of a sudden Nadim was excited. He knew the way to the school and he thought he knew the road to his old house. He remembered playing at the park and having a bicycle accident with his friend just outside it. We stopped first at CFTRI High School where Nadim spent grades eight through ten. It was so fun to see him remember playing soccer in the “field”. This field had no grass and was really just a patch of reddish dusty dirt. He also remembered his classroom and his three pals, a Hindu named Suresh, a Muslim named Irfan, and a Christian named Sharat. Nadim completed the group as a Baha’i. Who says people of different religions can’t get along? They were best friends!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Maharaja's Palace
After a leisurely breakfast and some light reading, we hired a rickshaw to take us to the Maharaja’s Palace, which is one of the biggest attractions in Mysore. The entrance fee is 20 Rupees for Indians and 200 Rupees for foreigners. Ten times the price seems to be the norm for foreigners. The man at the ticket counter was not sure if I was Indian or not, but I couldn’t lie so we got 2 “foreigner” tickets, and the kids entered for free.
We found out two strange things right away: 1. You cannot take cameras inside the palace, and 2. You have to go in barefoot. So we deposited the camera and our shoes, got our audio guides and went in. They gave us 2 audio guides, with 4 headphones. So Yasmin and Roya shared one and Christina and I shared the other.
After our tour of the palace we went for lunch to a place called Veg Kourt. They had very good food, and we asked them to give us a couple of curries for take-out so we can have them for dinner. We had a relaxing afternoon reading and playing Chinese checkers, and went downstairs to prepare our dinner. After dinner, we brought out the cake that I had ordered yesterday from the bakery across the street, and sang happy birthday to Christina.