Monday, February 16, 2009


This morning was school work as usual. While I was working with Yasmin and Roya, Nadim helped Anapurna (the high school student we had helped previously)with physics. Nadim has a degree in physics so it should not have been too difficult, but Anapurna’s English is not so good so much of the terminology had to be translated with an English/Kannada dictionary.

Yesterday Nadim had a sore throat and a bit of a runny nose. This morning wasn’t much better and by afternoon he was feeling worse. He had a nap in the afternoon and that seemed to revive him enough to go out to dinner at Naseem and Khodayaar’s home. They are some Baha’is that we had met a few times, most recently while helping clean up the Baha’i cemetery.

Their home was a small apartment, but very cozy. Naseem’s mother is Persian, but her father is Chinese. Tonight she made some Chinese vegetables, sweet and sour chicken and rice for us. The girls were quite happy because it wasn’t spicy at all. Yasmin and Roya are doing quite well with spicy food, but I think they enjoyed the break from it.

After dinner they showed us some pictures of Maldives, where Khodayaar grew up. It looks gorgeous with its white powdery beaches and clear blue water. I guess that will have to be another trip. They also showed us some pictures of Haifa where they had visited the Baha’i World Centre. We are planning a trip there in early 2011 so it was nice to get a preview.

Roya played with their son who is a year and a half. Yasmin seems to have caught Nadim’s cold too and was a little quiet tonight. Hopefully she will feel better in the morning.


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