Saturday, February 14, 2009

We got a late start as Yasmin and Roya prepared Valentine’s Day cards and we slowly got going. Then we had a bunch of laundry to do so that took up most of the morning, even with us all helping out. It’s a good thing they have a few lines that we can use to hang our clothes.

The girls and I headed to the store for milk and cheese, but before we left, I snapped the following photo because I thought they looked so cute in their new clothes. Again, they loved playing with the scarves. They seem to like play acting as Muslim women with their faces and hair covered.

This afternoon we were very slow moving. We drank lots of chai and chatted a lot with Vijay, who is always happy to chat about this and that. He was happy because he and his family have been asked to be the new care takers of the Baha’i Centre. There will be lots of work involved in cleaning and removing some of the assorted collection of benches and chairs that have accumulated over the years and are no longer needed. I think he has big plans to really reorganize and straighten some things up. Good for him.

Yasmin and Roya enjoyed playing Barbies and Polly Pockets in our room for much of the afternoon while Nadim and I enjoyed the common area. It’s so nice for us to all have our space. We enjoy the peace and the girls enjoy being allowed to play more freely.



Unknown said...

Hi Nadim and Christina! This is Jaleh from South Bend (yes, blast from the past :-) ). How lovely to read of your fabulous adventures and to see pictures of your BEAUTIFUL daughters!!

Much love to you all,

Spicyswan said...

The girls look beautiful!!!!!!
I love the outfits!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love you!

Nadim and Christina said...

Hi Jaleh,

It's been ages. Hope all is well. Ann and Bob have our e-mail address. Drop us a line so we can catch up.

Much love,
