Thursday, June 25, 2009


It was cool this morning so we skipped another swim in Posedarje and instead got on the road toward Pula. The drive was about four hours, and some of the views along the way were beautiful. At one point we came through a tunnel in the mountain and found ourselves looking over brilliant white islands that were jutting out of the sea – yet another “wow” moment!

We got to Pula in the early afternoon and after a quick trip to the information centre, we did a little walking tour. Pula itself is not an overly pretty town, but it has some ancient Roman ruins that seem to spring out of nowhere.

There were a few city gates that had been maintained, but many of the ruins were really not well preserved. There was an amphitheatre that was crumbling and full of graffiti. What a shame.

The most impressive ruin was the coliseum that dates back to the first century! The girls weren’t too impressed with the rest of the walk, but they were eager to hear about gladiators and the sorts of “entertainment” they would have within the coliseum walls.

Apparently it once seated up to 20,000 spectators. The outer walls are still very much intact, but the inside is in ruin. What’s kind of amazing is that they still use it for concerts. Sinead O’Connor was just here and Elton John is going to be playing there this summer. Too bad we won’t still be here!


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