Saturday, December 20, 2008


This morning we slept in until 8:00, had a leisurely, complimentary breakfast, and chatted with Nick, the owner of our guest house. He’s done a fair bit of traveling and is a bit jealous of us and our continuing travel plans. He was a bit like a mother hen, ensuring that we were comfortable, suggesting an evening BBQ, and giving the girls yogurts later in the morning for snack. Yasmin has started reading Harry Potter, and really loved the first book. She’s now on the second book and looking forward to the third. At one point we were talking about books and Nick said he had an extra copy of the third book of the Harry Potter series and he actually hunted around for it and gave it to us! Yasmin was very happy about that.

We hadn’t done much home schooling all week so we had to get a few lessons in today. Hard to swallow on a Saturday, but it’s not so bad when we’re doing our work outside under a grass hut!

Lessons were finished before lunch and off we went to the Bridge Over the River Kwai. We had a little look at the bridge and thought of the hard work and history surrounding it. It’s nice for us all to see history, rather than just read about it.
Near the bridge there were all sorts of little shops so we did a bit of shopping. We wanted to buy a few small things for each other to exchange on Christmas day. It’s quite a trick to make purchases while your kids are with you and still have them a surprise. I think we succeeded though.

We finished off our day with swimming at the pool. It was really quite a relaxing day. I think tomorrow we may have more of the same. Nice to recharge a little.


1 comment:

Annelies said...

Ow wow, that must be great. HP will allways remember/remind (?) Yasmin to this unforgettable trip.