Saturday, December 13, 2008

Leaving Today

This morning we packed and did some cleaning. The girls got out for a bike ride and played for a bit in the school yard. It was good for Nadim and I to have them out from under foot while packing and good for them to have a bit of play time without us around.

For lunch we headed off to Wee's house. She wanted to have us over before we left so she suggested lunch today. The food was delicious and once again we had Som Tam, or green papaya salad. The girls learned how to make it. It's very popular here, but they usually make it with tons of chilies and it is sooooo HOT!!! The girls just put half a chili in it and it was good for us.

Shadow, who has come here to volunteer from the United States was helping to show the girls how it was done. It's kind of fun to make because there is a lot of smashing to do.

Now we're doing our last checks and are about to head of to Ubon to take the train to Ayutthaya. That is the old capitol so there are lots of ruins and wats to see. We are only there for a few days before heading off to Kanchanaburi which is west of Bangkok. Our train gets in at 4:00 a.m. so we aren't looking forward to that, but that's the only train we could take so one early morning won't kill us.


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