Saturday, July 11, 2009

Adrspach Rocks

The rocks at Adrspach are majestic. There are strange boulders that seem to be growing in the forest along with the pine trees. As you go deeper among the rocks there are deep canyons.

We went through a deep canyon/crevice that was several stories high, but only 50 cm wide. We had to turn slightly sideways so that our shoulders would fit through easily.

Many rocks looked like animals, or people. We saw some that looked like a glove, another was a pair of lovers, another was the head of a lioness, and another bunch were elephant faces.

There was a boat ride about half way along, so of course we had to take that too. There was a bit of a wait and the ride was pretty short. It really wasn’t worth the wait, but the view from the water was pretty.

The girls had great fun climbing the rocks. There were many steps on the second half of the walk, so we were all pleasantly tired by the end of it.

The bunnies that are just steps from our front door have been a great hit with the girls. Yasmin is a real animal lover. I think we may need to get a pet when we get home again.

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