Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wawel Castle

We took in Wawel Castle today. The castle is really like a small city. The main courtyard has the remains of old buildings, but the surrounding buildings including state rooms, and a cathedral are all beautifully restored.

We visited the state rooms. The whole castle is now a museum with various paintings, tapestries, sculptures, and furnishings from the 1400's to the 1800's. The rooms themselves had marble floors and painted or carved ceilings. They also had a few Persian carpets.

After the state rooms we went to the Dragon's Den. There were caves under the castle that supposedly were inhabited by a dragon. Perhaps more believable history is that these caves were once used as a brothel!

It was a hot day so we walked slowly back to the main square. We spotted people feeding pigeons and just happened to have part of a bagel left so we joined the others in making the pigeons even fatter than they already are! Some were even brave enough to eat out of our hands.


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