Friday, July 17, 2009

Kazimierz & Lake

We went to Kazimierz which is the old Jewish Quarter of Krakow. This made us think of Brian, our Jewish neighbour and friend back home. Kazimeirz used to be a separate town, but it expanded with so many Jewish people seeking refuge there that the two are now joined. We browsed some of the shops and strolled the streets, stopping to go into the Tempel Synagogue. It was beautiful with so much red and gold and colourful stained glass windows.

For the most part the Jewish Quarter isn't so different from the rest of the town, but there are a few old courtyards that are quite pretty and typical of the Jewish style of the time.

It was pretty hot so after lunch we drove to a nearby lake for a swim. The water was nice and refreshing. The girls spotted two huge beach balls that were being rented out for kids to play inside! Of course they wanted to go too.

Roya got quite good at running inside the ball. It was almost like watching a gerbil! Yasmin was pretty good too.


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