Saturday, July 25, 2009

Arrival in Holland

One of the annoying things about driving on the German autoban is that every once in a while there is a sign asking you to slow down to 130 km/hr! But this slow speed limit usually lasts for about 2 km for construction or something, then you can go as fast as you want. I was cruising at about 150 and there were cars - usually a BMW or a Mercedez - zooming past us! Yasmin wants us to get one of those cars now. NM

As we crossed the border into the Netherlands, we cheered. For me it felt familiar. The flat fields, the canals, and bridges, it was all familiar and it made me smile.

Left to Right: Roya, Nadim, Christina, Marieke, Yasmin, Maria

We arrived earlier than expected at my Aunt Maria's house, but she and her partner Marieke gave us a warm welcome. They are staying in the manse near the church where Maria works. It is a very large house and the girls were happy to have their own room.

Marieke's profession is an art therapist. This meant that the girls were provided with coloured pencils and paper, and they made themselves busy.

We had a lovely meal together and talked a lot. It is at once so nice to be in the company of family.


9 days until we return to Canada!

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