Monday, July 27, 2009

Around Maria's House

I woke this morning, still thinking of all the family and discussions I had yesterday at the family reunion. We all felt that it would be nice to have a restful morning after the busy day yesterday. We did some things around the house and really didn't feel motivated to go into Groningen as we thought we might and so the whole day was a restful one.
Yasmin and Roya were more than happy to not have to go sight seeing! They played with their toys and played catch with Marieke and I joined them as it looked like so much fun. We didn't even go in the car today. It was nice to just be around the house, and garden and stray a little ways for a walk and some exercise.

We had a tour of the "jungle". The garden has tomatoes, plum trees, vines with currents, raspery canes, and all sorts of weeds have happily joined the other plants of the garden. They also have potato plants. Although I've grown many different plants in my gardens, I've never grown potatoes, and so I've also never dug them up. It was kind of fun to go hunting for potatoes in the "jungle" and I'm sure they will taste very good in tomorrow evening's supper!

They also had a Japanese Wine Berry. It looked much like a raspery, but the vine and buds were not the same at all. They were very good.

Many of the vines had been growing there before Maria and Marieke arrived. Marieke says that they are gifts from the garden. She also says that peace is another gift of the garden. I tend to agree because no matter if the garden is a jungle, perfectly manicured, or bursting with flowers, I enjoy them all.

7 days before we are home!

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