Thursday, July 30, 2009


Thank you, Maria and Marieke. We had a great time staying with you. We were sorry to say good-bye this morning.

In Amsterdam our first stop was the Anne Frank museum. It was sad to go through the museum, especially after having seen Auschwitz. To think that this was only one story of so many similar stories made it even more heart-breaking.

We then took a walk around Amsterdam, stopping briefly in Dam Square before finding a boat to take us on a canal tour. Nadim gave me his sore throat and so a canal tour was great because it meant that we could see the sights while taking it easy.

After the canal tour, we walked to the flower market. It was actually pretty disappointing. There were many souvenir shops and several places where you could buy bulbs, but not so many flowers! At that point it started to rain and it was getting late in the afternoon so we went back to the car so that we could drive to Nadim’s cousin’s house.

It was great to see Masoud and Mahnaz again and the girls have been having great fun with their daughters, Mona and Gina. I think we will have a nice few days together.

4 days until we're home!

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