Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Typically Dutch

We had planned to take a day trip on bikes, but unfortunately the bike rental place didn't have children's bikes. Instead we went by car. We drove through some of the small villages of Groningen and stopped at a lake so that we could rent a boat.

We took the pedal boat to a nearby beach and Yasmin and Roya and Marieke had a swim, but the rest of us thought it was too cold. We all enjoyed a picnic and playing at the beach, but then it started to rain. Marieke and I pedalled the boat back while the others went to the car and kept dry. Luckily the rain turned out to be only a short sprinkle and the sky cleared again.

We then drove through the countryside, spotting old-fashioned windmills along the way. The girls were more interested in the numerous horses that they saw in the fields and started to count. There were so many that they lost count, but I think we saw over one hundred horses during our afternoon drive!

We stopped for a coffee at the windmill in the town of Eenrum. There were chickens and the girls chased them about and tried to pick them up, especially after they learned that I could pick up a chicken with little trouble!

Eemrum also has the last Klompen (wooden shoe) maker in Groningen! We stopped at the shoe-maker's house, but it was closed. Luckily the shoe-maker was there and opened his doors especially for us. He even gave us a tour of his shop. He started with the willow trees that they use to make the shoes and showed us the various steps and specialized machinery that they use to make the shoes. They had so many shoes in a drying room! One litre of water comes out of each pair of shoes, making them light, and waterproof.

Roya and Yasmin also had to have a pair of wooden shoes. They were so happy with them. They wore them to the post office with me and to the neighbour with Marieke, getting compliments on them in both places!

We ended our day filled with Dutch activities, with a typical Dutch meal of potatoes (dug from the garden yesterday), green beans, large meatballs with gravy, and for dessert we had a sort of pudding with fruit syrup and another one topped with cinnamon and sugar. Delicious!

We will be home in 6 days!


Anonymous said...

Sarah has a pair of the wooden shoes but they probably fit Katelyn now. One of the Dutch drivers got them for Sarah a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Nice red wooden shoes! I still have ours from when we were children in the front hall.
See you soon!
XO Lisa