Sunday, July 19, 2009


It was raining this morning. We seem to be leaving town on rainy days lately! The drive to Wroclaw (the “W”s are pronounced as “V”s and the “C” is pronounced as “Tz”) was just under three hours so we arrived in early afternoon.

We went straight into the centre of the old town and walked around a bit. We were expecting something similar to Krakow but I thought it was much more decorative. There were so many different colours and lots of scrolls and swirls around the windows and roofs.

It was fairly easy to find an apartment again. We had gotten a recommendation from the last place and arriving as we did at last minute we were able to talk down the price by about a third – not bad! We’re in the middle of the old town so we relaxed for a bit and then took a walk before dinner checking out some more of the beautiful architecture. I’m looking forward to taking a closer look tomorrow!

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