Sunday, July 5, 2009

Last Day in Tormini

When we were in India, one of the zippers on Nadim’s travel pant pockets broke and he had it repaired by a local tailor. Unfortunately the tailor didn’t have the right colour zipper, or the right colour thread. Not such a good job, but what do you expect for 50 rupees ($1.50 CND). So, this morning Adrie and I visited all the supermarkets in the area and didn’t find the right colour zipper! We did find some elastic which I needed for another pair of pants. In the end we took the zipper from an old pair of pants of Frank’s and used that. It wasn’t quite the right colour, but close.

After our sewing chores were done and we’d had some lunch we went once more to the beach. The lake was even warmer than the previous time. The girls were in the water for two hours, came out for a lesson on skipping stones, then they were back in for another half an hour!

Tomorrow we’re off again. We’ll pass through Austria and go to Czech Republic. It’s sad to be leaving our relatives again, but it will only be three weeks before we are in Holland visiting more relatives!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am a little envious of your stay in Italy....I am beginning to think that the Elliott's may need an Italian vacation sometime soon. We'll be in touch!

Nadim and Christina said...

Italy was awesome and Frank and Adie were so hospitable! We're talking about making a vacation to visit only Italy one day. Frank says we should study Italian history first though to make it more meaningful.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'll start getting the books out of the library....