Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Arrival in Germany

The drive to the north of Poland would have been very long, and we’re getting tired of driving. We’ve driven about 10,000 km in two and a half months! So instead of going to the north of Poland we drove straight west to Germany. Nadim has a cousin here in Germany that he hadn’t seen since he was a child. We were put in contact with him by another cousin of Nadim’s who we are planning to visit in Holland. So we arrived in late afternoon and were welcomed with open arms. We had a chat in the garden, ate a delicious meal, chatted some more, we even saw some old pictures of Nadim’s parents. We went for a walk around their village after supper.

It was interesting to see an area that had once been split by the infamous border that divided east and west Germany 20 years ago. It is all rolling hills and countryside, and narrow roads lined with cherry trees.


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