Sunday, July 12, 2009


The drive to Krakow was pretty, but long. The girls were entertained with a movie and some books. Along the way we kept to the speed limit. It's not so bad when the limit is 130 km/hr. However, there were a few spots where the speed limit was reduced for construction and Nadim didn't slow down to 60... of course there was a policeman waiting for us and we got pulled over. He was going to give us a ticket, despite Nadim's apologies and cajoling. He filled out the paperwork and Nadim went back to the car to get some money. Of course they make you pay on the spot when you are a tourist. The policeman followed Nadim back to the car and when Nadim had the money in hand he said no, don't give it to me, give it to them, and he pointed to Yasmin and Roya, and with a warning to slow down, a wave of thanks and many happy smiles we were off again! Phew!

We arrived in Krakow and found ourselves a nice little apartment. It is within walking distance of the old town so we went for a walk to find the square and then some groceries. The square is huge. The picture above just shows a quarter of it.

There were a few street shows going on in the square and we stayed to watch one guy with marionettes. He was great! He had Celine Dion, Tina Turner, Elvis, and Michael Jackson. Very clever with the hand movements and eyes and everything.


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