Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Seeking Information

We had chosen to stay a few days in Szeged because we had heard about some festivals that were taking place. There is a Wine Festival going on right now, but that doesn’t interest us so much because we don’t drink. The next festival starts in a couple of days so we needed some activities to fill the gaps.

Our mission for the afternoon was to find information on Szeged and surrounding area. We found the tourist information centre but once we left with all our information in hand we looked up at the sky and it had turned a charcoal grey. We had some lunch and there were a few sprinkles which put us off from going horseback riding.

Instead we ducked in and out of cafes and shops and managed to miss the downpours. Szeged has a wide pedestrian street with a large square near the centre. There are often musicians playing as you walk along it. We enjoyed the stroll, but came back to our accommodations early to get a rest and time to play or hang out for a bit before we go back into town for supper. The restaurants are nice, but I do miss having a kitchen and the comfort of eating in.


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