Sunday, March 22, 2009

Back to Mysore

Our plans continue to change as we go. Originally we had planned to stay in Mysore and skip Bangalore, but then we changed our minds and thought we’d stay in Bangalore for the last two weeks of March, now we’ve decided to come back to Mysore for a week. We took the train back to Mysore and arrived this afternoon. It felt a little like coming home.

We missed our friends in Mysore and the Baha’is in Bangalore were slow to get us involved in their projects so we thought perhaps we could be of most use in Mysore where we had already made some connections. The schools are now either in exams or closed for summer so we can’t continue our volunteer work there, but we thought that perhaps we might help out at the old age home that we had visited at Ayyamiha time.

We went out this afternoon with Khodayar and Naseem for a late lunch and now we are happily settling in at the Baha’i Centre. The girls have been happy to get out their Indian Barbies that they got for Naw Ruz gifts, we enjoyed our afternoon chai, and are once more resigned to the power cuts that are more frequent in Mysore than elsewhere it seems!



Anil said...

Christina and Nadim,
We are a green company in Mysore. We solve power cut problem at the same time help Mysore go green.
Do let me know if we can help with power cuts.

Nadim and Christina said...

What is the name of your company? How can we contact you?

Anil said...

I have left my email ID, you can drop me a mail any time.

Are check We stand for Environment Life and Energy.