Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beach bums

Our hotel has a little balcony area which was perfect for reading and enjoying the morning air. Although I wouldn’t call it cool, it was certainly more comfortable than the evening. We had some chai while we relaxed. The kids explored the empty lot next to the hotel and it had the comfortable quality of a Saturday at home with the added benefit of an amazing backdrop.

Later we went to buy some laundry detergent and did some washing. We weren’t willing to pay the prices the hotel charges for laundry, especially when we have so much time on our hands.
We had lunch on the cliff overlooking the beach and I read Harry Potter aloud to Roya. She is on the fourth book and is enjoying it, but she still likes to be read to, and I enjoy doing it. After our leisurely lunch we explored some of the shops along the cliff and then when the heat got to be too much we went in search of bathing suits and beach gear.

We all splashed in the warm water and when Nadim and I were tired of battling the waves, we all went inland – Yasmin and Roya to play in the sand and Nadim and I to read our books. The kids played in the sand and splashed in the shallower water until sunset.

We’re all feeling very content and will likely repeat our beach bum day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Baba said...

Bravo Roya Joon, you are on book four of Harry Pater. Keep up the good work honey.