Monday, March 30, 2009

Bye Mysore!

Last night we enjoyed a meal with our Baha’i friends in Mysore. It is sad to leave them, but we are hoping to see them in Goa as there is a Baha’i gathering there around the 10th of April. We’ll see if our pleas for their attendance are heard!

(Vijay, Christina, Nadim, KY, Naseem, Arshan, Roya, Yasmin, Shimmy, Carmel)

This morning was spent packing and home-schooling. Our train to Bangalore was in the early afternoon. There were some teachers doing an exchange trip who were also on the train with us. India is a very friendly place and so a couple of them struck up conversations with us along the way.

Yasmin and Roya were a big hit with them, and ended up singing one of our favourite songs “Good Neighbours Come in All Colours”. The whole car of passengers was entertained!
We were greeted by the usual crowd of rickshaw drivers who are trying to scam you out of your money, but we are wise to this now and waved them away. Instead we went for the pre-paid auto-rickshaw stand and paid a much more reasonable fair.

Tomorrow we will need to repack and go back to the train station to go to Hampi. I had hoped that we could avoid another overnight train ride, but that wasn’t possible. So I resign myself to one more overnight train ride (to Hampi), and one more daytime train ride (from Hampi to Goa). We were debating taking the train from Goa back to Bangalore, but the schedules weren’t right, or the train was full, so we’ve booked a flight back to Bangalore.


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