Thursday, March 19, 2009

School Project

The girls needed supplies for a science project that we are starting, so this afternoon we went in search of popsicle sticks and the like. We stopped at a grocery store and found a few other things we needed, but no popsicle sticks.

As the girls and I waited at the front of the store for Nadim to finish checking out, we saw one of the uniformed store staff walk out holding the tail of a large mouse! He jogged across the street with it and laid it gently in a pile of leaves and rubbish before returning to the store. I guess his religious beliefs couldn’t permit him to rid the store of the creature permanently! Yasmin’s face was pretty disgusted. I ended up having a big laugh about it and the store staff just smiled nonchalantly.

We did eventually find our popsicle sticks down one of the side streets. Even in Bangalore, as soon as you are slightly off the main street you see cows at the side of the road. It’s very strange how everything is everywhere in India. I still get a laugh out of it, although it seems much more normal now. Funny how our sense of normal can change so quickly.


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