Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Quest

Yasmin is in love with Harry. Who’s Harry? Well of course it’s the famous Harry Potter! She had finished the fifth book in the series a few days ago and was going through withdrawal. The helpful fellow who runs the guest house we are staying in said he had one at home, but he wasn’t sure if it was the sixth or seventh book. He forgot it the first day and the next day he remembered, but it was the seventh book.

We had been looking along the used book exchange places but hadn’t found a copy there either! We went into Varkala town today for the bank, and tried a couple of the shops there, but they didn’t have it either! Yasmin was starting to panic. She had nearly resigned herself to some other inferior book that we had found in one of the book shops along the cliff, but then we went along a little further and Nadim came back with a shining copy of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”! Hallelujah! Big smiles and an afternoon of reading were in store for us. Roya is on the fourth book, and so am I (although this afternoon I had to dig into something else because Roya had dibs). Nadim is on the fifth book, and Yasmin is on the sixth. It’s like we’re an advertisement for the Harry Potter series.


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