Monday, March 9, 2009


We debated staying in Alleppey after our night on the boat, but in the end we decided to hire a car and drive a couple of hours to Varkala where there is a beach. The car ride was uneventful. The middle line seems to be used as passing lane, but we are used to that now.

Our hotel in Varkala is clean and quite nice, but not air conditioned. We’ll stick it out for a night and see how we do. There are mosquito nets so at least we can open the windows if it cools down.
The beach is down a steep cliff. The water was clearer than in Cochin and the beach is quite nice, but we were very cautious because there is a very strong current. We didn’t let the girls go in without us. They had fun playing in the sand at the water’s edge. They were a bit of an attraction for some of the locals.


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