Sunday, April 19, 2009

People's Park

We visited People’s Park in what was supposed to have been the middle of Limerick, but because they ran out of money during construction of the Georgian town, it is actually more on the edge of town! No matter its location, it was a beautiful park.

The girls ran from one thing to the next. They enjoyed the pedal merry-go-round, but Julia felt dizzy on it, so they ran to a climbing structure, then to a slide, then to the climbing structure, then to the piped phone system... and so it continued until they were happily tired.

Spring is really in the air here in Ireland. The cherry trees are in bloom and they are so gorgeous! The weather is cool, and a bit cloudy, but at least it remained dry.

After lunch Luke took the girls in the back of the complex to the green space where there were many dandelions and daisies growing. They picked all sorts of them and only came in once they had a huge bag full of flowers.

Once they finally made it back in they made several table decorations and they filled a bottle with the petals to make perfume! I’m sure it will smell just lovely in a few days (nudge, wink). They also made daisy chain necklaces, crowns, and rings.

Yasmin and Roya were quite pleased to be fairy princesses or woodland queens, but Julia would have none of it. She said she was the maid. Smart girl realizes that Cinderella and Snow White also had such humble beginnings I guess!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what beautiful princesses (and maids)! Be sure to save me some of the lovely perfume!